Thursday, June 5, 2014

20x30 Finished w/ add on

This is the completed version of the 20x30 final project. I added on the bottom portion at the last minute because I wanted to include some statistics involving bullying but I didn't find an appropriate way to integrate it into the original picture. I focused a lot on using Outer Glows on the parts of the picture that were supposed to attract the most attention. I used a variety of Layer Masks in different places as well, such as the pictures in the thought bubble. There is also an ongoing theme of red in the areas that are supposed to attract the most attention. I adjusted the texture on either side of the walls and then used the Perspective tool on some of the words in order to make the whole picture look more 3-D. The rainbow that is used in the flag is also used in the bottom right corner and as a glow on the words "Take A Stand". I originally had a lot more color in the background and less texture but I decided that minimal color would draw more attention to the featured parts of the picture and also more depth. The two signs on either side differentiate each other and create balance with the words being opposite. The "Enter Here" sign was originally a "Do Not Enter" sign but I rearranged it so the words were different. The overall concept of this picture is a student about to enter school, wearing a gay pride flag and worrying about the bullying that he might encounter if he enters. The message is to take a stand against homophobic bullying and the statistics along the bottom introduce the idea that both students and teachers can stand up for those who are being bullied.

Friday, May 9, 2014

A Blocks Edit

Used the smudge tool to attract more attention to the main focus, the blocks.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Way Outside The Box

Drawn from non-traditional materials: Assembled with pieces of grass         

Made out of non-traditional materials: Using tape and balancing skills, made out of blocks

Floating in space: Hanging from a piece of string in front of the window

Distortion in a reflection: Looking through a pair of glasses at an angle causes distortion

Cast shadows/light: Roll of paper towel casting a shadow with light behind it

Monday, May 5, 2014

Screenshot Project

I had a lot of fun with the layer masks in this project. I originally selected the coffee from it's background image and made a layer mask and began crafting the background from there. I placed the different textures in various places, played with the edges of their layer masks, and adjusted the opacity. I used a couple of filters on the textures to add different effects as well like a pixelating tool. The graffiti on the coffee cup has streaks of color from the Adjustment Layer. I also chose to bring back a few parts of the original background that the coffee cup had by using a layer blend and erasing certain parts of it. I would probably title this work something along the lines of "Brick Wall Coffee Shop"

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

David Carson Research

The most interesting part of David Carson's artwork is the use of typography. There seems to be a consistent theme of "Don't mistake legibility for communication". This is due to the fact that a lot of the typography that is used in his work is very scattered and at times hard to read, which is what many people criticize about it. However, if you take the time to look closely and read everything in his artwork, you will understand the clear theme and message that each piece has. His use of variety in the size of the letters and the fact that often some words will overlap others is very interesting.